It's been interesting telling people. Christians seem to be very excited for us. Most of the people I work with are too, however, some give their congratulations followed by: "good luck" or "we'll see how long this lasts".
One co-worker told me that now the average marriage lasts 2-5 years. As she told me that statistic, I smiled. I can't wait to break societies' norm.
We can't do it on our own though. If we didn't model our relationship after Christ's selfless love for His people we would probably fall into that statistic as well. The fact that a guy with most of his twenties ahead of him would propose speaks of a phenomenon most of the world does not understand. It shows the design of our creator that started in Genesis. It shows that he wants to experience knowing someone at the level of knowing himself, similarly to the holy trinity (I say that loosely), that he wants to run from sin, and that he wants to live life radically by sacrificing independence and single-ness for the sake of love. It speaks of the gospel. I can see why girls cry when they're proposed to...I got a bit teary...but didn't full out bawl.
I know full well that marriage will be hard but I also know its one of the most rewarding, amazing things you can experience. I'm so excited! That's a sum up the heavy things on my mind lately. Those thoughts are intermingled with plans for a beautiful, fun day when we'll say our vows :)
(Cute pic. eh? Not sure who this couple is but their wedding looks lovely)