Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Water colour cards

They say it takes three weeks to turn something into a habit so if that's true this triathalon training business should really start to feel like second nature soon. I hope.
Already I've started to feel the positive effects of consistently working out which is encouraging. On the days I really don't want to leave the house I tell myself that I never regret going but I always regret not going.
Anyways, I'm honestly loving being on maternity leave. It's so amazing to have this precious time with Corrie and be able to watch her change and grow. She's getting more and more mobile lately and her personality is definitely starting to show. She loves to do an extremely high pitched squeal from across the room and looks for your reaction. She loves to laugh and be tickled. Now she wants to walk everywhere with the help of me or her Dad - that can be a workout in itself! 
She still loves her naps. And so do I :) Those little breaks in our time together gives me some alone time to read, write and lately paint! I've been having some fun trying out water colour paint and making my own cards. I have a ton of weddings coming up so I'm hoping to give them out to the newlyweds. 

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