Coco reminds me of a baby bird. Always ready to eat and so dependent on her Mama. This past year it was her dependence on me that forced a change in my character. That, and my utter love for that chubba bubba. Before she came along Steve and I were quite free to indulge whatever desire we had and do whatever we wanted to do basically. Once she arrived though, my life simplified. I had one task: keep our new baby alive! I found motherhood more sanctifying than getting married in that regard. Probably because my lifestyle so drastically changed in an instant. Honestly it was the hardest thing ...and I definitely wasn't prepared for it. Every day felt like ground hog day and I thought I was going to lose my mind from lack of adult interaction and from looking at the same four walls day in and day out. I wasn't prepared for that because motherhood was my dream! My whole life I had dreamed of being a mother in an almost romantic way so when it was incredibly hard at first, I felt shocked, upset at myself, overwhelmed and tired. I had expected to have a baby and still be able to do all the things I did before. Just with a baby strapped to me. Corrie was not that kind of baby though - she loved her schedule and her own bed and hated the car with a passion! Therefore, trips out were few and far between in those first months.
Thankfully, God gives the grace needed in every stage of life. It became clear He gave me a baby to reveal my selfishness and other sins I wasn't as aware of. I realized how much I relied on my job as a nurse for my identity and purpose. I realized what a gift it was to have minimal distraction to commune with God. Before Corrie came along I never spent an entire day at home, now that's usually all I do (since we have one car). I realized I had been running, running, running and needed to just stop! I appreciated the focus Corrie now gave to my life. Focus on my role as a wife and mother and focus on my relationship with God.
Tomorrow is Corrie's birthday. This time last year I was in labour and had no clue how my life was about to change. Thankfulness for her and God's perfect plan is what I feel when I reminisce about this last year. I love being able to be a Mom! Happy birthday Cocos.
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