Friday, January 22, 2016

Struggles and Triumphs

So it's Friday and I feel exhausted! This entire week has been really tiring for some reason. As a result I don't feel like I did the greatest with my training regimen. Mostly I failed in the nutrition/diet department..which is probably why I'm so exhausted. My bad!

There were two big triumphs for me to be happy about though.

Triumph #1 : I swam!

I swam about 1/4 of a mile in half an hour. Felt like a huge newbie but the cute old ladies there were not intimidating and made for a welcoming environment to start out in.

Triumph #2 : I ran the farthest I've ran since I found out we were expecting Corrie.

8km to be exact. I gotta be honest though, it wasn't 8 km straight..I ran to my friends house 4km away..had coffee and a chat then ran back.. Still! I'm pretty happy since the farthest I've ran up til now was about 5km.

Things to work on and things to celebrate. Trying to stay thankful and not beat myself up about my failures. Thankfulness is way more motivating I find :)

Here's a pic of my running buddy during the last leg of our long run :

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